Thursday 30 September 2010

Hello..... is there anybody out there ??

Or am I talking to myself again ??? !

Cruz Alta

On Tuesday we took a trip to Luso with Lee's Grandparents and drove up to Cruz Alta to check out the view. WOW.
We didnt make it up to the viewpoint when we were there earlier in the year with the camper in Luso as we were cycling with the kids and it is 6 k up from the Bucaco Palace. 2 hopes.
Anyhow when you reach the top the views are breathtaking. I took photographs but they would not do it justice. This is one you have to see for yourself to appreciate. This giant mosaic cross is mounted on stone steps - presenting an even greater view.... Lee thought he would check out the view from the top of the cross..... no he never made it !
There was a chap sitting at the base of this cross with his ipod plugged in, having cycled to the top having some serious time out - then we arrived. Note the blue sky and shorts..... it is almost October !!!

Tuesday 21 September 2010


Well this September weather has been pretty
gorgeous so we have been able to take our
visiting family to the beach and river beach
for days out..... its a hard life ! :o) It is grey
today but we are still having the odd high of 44..

Monday 20 September 2010


These are our new amiga's who joined us about 3 weeks ago.... they still have no names !! I want to call the brown one Denver and the white one Scout but nobody likes my name choices..... we tether one goat at a time and the other gets to roam free..only they stay with each other all day... they are very lovely and are beginning to trust us now. Tonight they went back into the barn without leads.. they just followed us in.... I have really enjoyed watching the white one run and skip / jump in the air today.. very cute.

Monday 6 September 2010

Poor neglected blog ;o)

Oops.. it has been a while..... have had a busy Summer, fantastic weather, blue skies... good food. Festa's, beaches, family visiting, 2 new goats (very cute, with no names as yet), now living next door, house sitting for 6 months.. kids still on Summer holidays :oS... Lots of forest fires..It has begun to cool down a little now - it even rained today! We had a bit last Tuesday along with a thunder storm but prior to that it had not rained in months. Last Monday was HOT here 44.8 degrees.... thankfully we were by the sea for the day. Downside ? flys.
Anyhow.... I need my bed now ! I'll be back !