Tuesday 22 March 2011

Bread van

Here in the villages there are various van deliveries during the week bringing fresh bread, fresh fish, animal feed, and even a 'Mr Frost' van with a whole array of frozen food - great for ice creams in the summer.. !
We have a delivery of freshly baked bread 6 days a week .. the 'bread man' - I must learn his name ! leaves a lovely loaf hanging by the front door in the mornings and every Saturday we leave money out to pay him for the week... 80 cents a loaf - delivered to the door, what a great service and the bread is unbeatable.. !

Saturday 12 March 2011

Ok.. so I need to get out more...... !!

Yes I know.... I am sad - but I had to post a picture of this bad boy.... it must have been hard work pushing this one out ! I couldn't believe the size of it.... anyhow I weighed it ..(Lee made me do it ) and it was 89 grams. We have oodles of eggs at the moment which is great...we currently have 9 chickens... and seem to get 5-7 eggs per day.... I have promised the kids pancakes with maple syrup in the morning, so we will use some up... then off to the market at Sao Pedro de Alva to pick up some fruit and check out what is there..

I will get out tomorrow.... honest. ;O)

Tuesday 8 March 2011

The art of frugal....

I keep meaning to post this picture of the sink Lee made last month for our en suite bathroom - so here it is... The wood is recycled from part of the restored roof, it is eucalyptus and has fantastic pattern to the grain, tap was given to us as it was an unwanted purchase... (thank you Gin ) xx - and the splashback is made from a zebra print mosaic panel I made some time ago out of Portuguese Cinca tiles.

Sink : €25, a lick of varnish and some precious time...

Bargain I reckon !

Hows that for frugal !?

I love it. :o )

Monday 7 March 2011

Mealhada Carnaval

Mealhada Carnaval yesterday was good fun... It began at 3pm and the procession finished up at 6:15 , lots of elaborate costumes, floats and gorgeous girls ! €5 entry fee and free for under 10's. There is a second procession tomorrow afternoon.
Really enjoyed it, luckily it was warm although a little overcast as those poor chicks would have frozen !
My only criticism would have to be the music which I have to say was a little.... lacking..... and didn't really make you want to move like at Notting Hill ! Still, I would totally reccomend it.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Carnaval, Sao Pedro de Alva

Its Carnaval time of year and the School children paraded around the town in Sao Pedro de Alva on Friday in their fancy dress, this is Sienna with her buddy Fillipa looking very cute in their little red indian outfits made by the teachers...... today we are off to Mealhada to check out the procession up there.. hope to get some good photographs... ! The kids have three days off School next week .... eek !

Been busy here decorating etc.. now in our new place, we have bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen so far... lunge to come ! I still havent managed to get the internal doors painted and back on but we are getting there slowly, I will have to upload some more pictures soon....

The weather is much improved, less rain and more sun... we have had a few days of 26 degrees - not bad for February ! but it is still chilly in the early morning and the nights so we still have the central heating on.... the orange and lemon trees are laden with fruit and the fruit trees are covered in pink and white blossom.. Spring is in the air :o)