Monday 31 May 2010

Quick catch up.....

So... sold up in the UK, put teeny amount of sentimental / personal stuff in storage and jumped into the new motor was snowing hard but thankfully the central heating in the van kept us nice and toasty!!! We said "goodbye for now" to friends in Devon and family in London then headed off for the Euro tunnel.

We drove through France (brrr) then spent a couple of weeks in Spain. Wind and rain like we never imagined!! - Bonkers driving in Barcelona... then we managed to get stuck in mud at a site in Las Negras and had to wait to be towed out in the morning. After a short lived domestic with Lee I decided to bake a cake and shut up....

We visited Salobrena in Andalucia, a place I had fond memories of after a holiday with my gorgeous friend Megan 15 years ago..... sadly I hardly recognised it.

Next stop Portugal. LOVE it. Home education, two siblings bickering continually in the back of the van, bad weather ......... you get the picture....! forces us out of the van (in order to save life and limb and general mental state) and we rent a villa for 3 weeks. We have seen a house we like and make an offer, which is accepted.

As I write, I am looking out of my window at mountains and forest.... the birds are singing, crickets are making a racket, a rooster crows...... and Lee is chomping on a piece of toast.... perfect. No comparison to the sights and sounds of our old abode. (I won't go there)

Tashan (12) aka Kevin and Perry impressionist, is at School - he is now on week 5 and the only English lad in the School.... Sienna (4) is off to hang out with the chickens in the garden....

So we have learnt that Motor home life is not for us.....AT ALL! and Portuguese is not as easy to learn as we had hoped..... but we will get there...


  1. Hey Mel

    the house looks amazing, and the views even more so. Sounds like you've found your little piece of heaven on earth. As for the language, you'll probably find that the kids will pick things up quicker than you and will start teaching you!!!!

    Things at Tivvy High are still the same, although it was weird watching the year 11s on Dress as you dare day, especially as they started the same year that I started. Gonna ,miss them as much as we've missed you!!! [creep :)]

    Anyway, hope things go from strength to strength for you all.

    Love from Linda (Evans) x

  2. Aaaah Thank you so much!!!! I am sure you are right about the kids teaching us!! we got a television last week and Sienna can now watch her favourite cartoons in Portuguese !

    I took a look at the photo's from dress as you dare day which looked like great fun !!! I am now looking forward to seeing them all at the prom next month. Will I see you there ? x

  3. Sure thing, wouldn't miss this one for the world. Be good to see you again too x
