Tuesday 2 November 2010


Long weekend last week as it was a public holiday....and three days of rain !- we now have the log fires going in the morning and evening although it is still quite warm in the day..
We had a little Halloween party for the kids on the 31st... they carved pumpkins, bobbed apples, made bats and spiders and ate worms..... :o)
Right - off to work at the house now, need to finish building a fence for the goats.. hopefully the posts will go in the ground a little more easily after all that rain !


  1. Hi Mel,
    In France and heading your way - slowly.
    Please cancel the cold mornings and book us some sunshine please.
    Best make some space under the bed for all these baked beans

  2. Baked beans !!!! whoop whoop. !!! Keep intouch and let us know how the journey is going .... look forward to seeing you both.x
