Wednesday 16 November 2011

Learning Portuguese. (Well I am trying...)

 For a while I felt like I was picking up the language ok... but the last few times I ventured out with Maria, out neighbour, people have asked her if I speak Portuguese. She has responded by dropping her head and shaking it sadly.... with a 'poor Mel, there is no hope' type expression on her face.

Cheers buddy! (so perhaps I need to make a little more effort).

So, its back to my Michele Thomas Portuguese Course. I do have the Berlitz Earworms too,  but find the 'great music' tag is slightly false advertising..  It is one of those courses that is irritating but does go in. It certainly makes it very simple.

The Michele Thomas course is an 8 hour course which has great reviews. I found it a godsend when we first arrived, but now I am returning to it with a basic vocabulary and a better idea of accents etc it is so much easier.

This morning I have been on Amazon looking for Barrons 501 Portuguese verbs which I have found and ordered. I took a look and both the earworms (Berlitz) and Michele Thomas courses are available, along with Usborne's flashcards, first 100 words and first 1000 words which I ordered for Sienna last year. Although the Usborne materials are aimed at kids, they are perfect for beginners too. I especially like the flashcards. They could also be used for a Portuguese person learning English as the english words are printed in the corner.

One trick I have found helpful for learning is to label items around the home with post it notes in Portuguese on the door (porta), window (janela), table (mesa) and so on.... then you are looking at it all the time and it will go in without any effort.  It is definately useful too to carry a notebook around with you and write down new words/words you do not understand... when you have a Portuguese person repeating a word to you.... louder and LOUDER..... you can write it down and work out what they were trying to tell you later. (You will feel pretty bad if you realise they were yelling "HELP", or "FIRE")

As my old buddy used to say to me .... 'JFDI'   (Just F****ng Do It) A handy acronym for those who dither and put things off.

I am seriously going to pull my finger out, (hopefully I can restore Maria's hope for me).. and aim to learn at least three new words a day.

Wish me luck! (BOA SORTE !)

The following link will take you to a useful eBook 'Learn Any Language' -aimed at complete beginners, which will help you to learn any language (including Portuguese) quickly and easily.
Click Here!


  1. I am all too aware of the problems of learning Portuguese! Especially with the sort of accents/dialects you get in small villages up here..add to that my damaged hearing and there I am apologising all the time....

  2. Totally agree with you Fraser! What works in the village does not usually help when trying to have a conversation in Coimbra.... particularly as nobody in Coimbra seems to want a chat about goats or chickens!!

  3. Hi Mel and Lee

    Have you tried:

    I've contacted them and linked your post on Expats Portugal and if they have room, David and I can take the dogs to Viseu for you. We're full unfortunately.
