Thursday 27 January 2011


I LOVE this photograph very, very much.
This little guy was one of three boys born on the 8th Janurary this year, they are tiny and soft and cuddly. Just Gorgeous. My neighbour Maria has five all together - two were born to another Nanny about 10 days before.. one boy and one girl and they look like a right handful, especially the boy who tries to eat my shoes and clothes every time he see's me ! Maria tells me that they are ok to leave their Mum at around 4 months and I have asked her if I can have the little girl - to come and hang out with our other two.
We went to Arganil today with Maria and Fernando her husband. Fernando is ill, he has a bad leg at the moment and can barely walk and he had a hospital appointment today so we took them in. Slightly different experience for me today as we arrived 10 minutes early for the appointment, were seen straight away and were out the door 10 minutes later. Unbelievable. Not quite like my experience of Hospitals in the UK where you need a good book and some comfy slippers for your stay.
So we went off and did some shopping, then went back to their place for coffee and spent some time looking at photographs of their family. Fernando has been ill for 2 months and the poor guy is so fed up. Maria must be finding it so hard to look after everything without his help. I am not really sure what is wrong with his leg - my Portuguese would only stretch to the date /place and time of his appointment. Maria is fantastic at communicating with me, she seems to be able to decipher my poor pronunciation and breaks things down so I can understand - anyway we get by ! and I really enjoyed spending time with them today.
Sienna and Tashan have been chatting to each other in Portuguese tonight - I am so envious !
Sienna is really embarrassed to speak Portuguese in front of us and I only realised last week that she can actually speak whole sentences. She was trying to peruade me that she had to take her two cats to School with her as her friend had asked to see them. I (assuming she was trying her luck) and being irritable said "oh yeah ? and how did she ask you that ?" (you have to imagine my head swaying from side to side for that one).
Sienna : "Eu quero ver dois gatos amanha por favor".
Me : .......(silence) "umm right. Well go on then." -Well that shut me up !
Then tonight I asked her who she was playing with at school today, she met one of the girls Mothers last night in a local shop and I asked her if she had mentioned it to her friend.
Sienna : "she already knew"
Me : " how do you know ?"
Sienna "she said -voce viu a minha mae, and I said - sim"
Me: "Oh right".
So after a little more than three months at school I am asking her to translate for me and she is only four years old. Oh the shame of it.


  1. ha ha ha! too funny mel. join the 'crap mother's relying on their kids to get by in portugal' club!! unfortunately the same is happening down here too. jacob laughs at my pronunciation and is generally superior about everything! at least they can speak well and get by, it really does put us to shame xx

  2. Totally relate to the superiority / mocking vibe... that sums Tashan up in a nutshell... then he starts reeling off verbs etc and I put my fingers in my ears !!

    Little gits !

    M. xx
