Wednesday 5 January 2011

Feliz ano novo !

How cute are these two christmas angels ?! Christmas in Lagares was good.. Santa turned up with some little helpers in a 4 wheel drive with speakers blaring out Portuguese festive tunes... unfortunately when the 'gathering' arrived along with a guy who might possibly have been the Mayor ? I was looking something like Jethro out of the Beverly Hillbillies ...only worse, as I had been busy burning a big bonfire out the back for several hours and looked like an expert soap dodger. I did contemplate hiding until I realised that, that was exactly what Vicky and Lee were doing and these guys were not going to go away.
Anyhow, I am glad I came out of hiding as Pai Natal, (Santa) had arrived with gifts for the kids - would you believe it ? How cool was that. We were blown away.
On New years day our neighbour arrived with a gift of the most delicious honey (Mel) for us, from her own bees down in the woods, and yesterday Maria arrived with a huge bag of lovely fresh produce from her garden, so as you can see I am on my way to being self sufficient.
2011 has started off with a huge dose of DIY for us..all my favorite stuff like sanding plaster until my nose is blocked with an inch of polyfiller and I can no longer breathe. Deep joy.
I cannot believe that Vicky and Laila will be leaving next Monday. I am trying not to think about it too much. It has been so great to have them here.
We have begun to paint and with a little luck this time next week our house will have windows and doors, our floors have been sanded, stained and varnished and it is beginning to resemble a home again - on the inside at least. The outside is plain shocking ! We have to be in the house in 8 weeks time so the pressure is on now- which is how both Lee and I seem to work best.
So, Feliz ano novo to all ...
..and fingers crossed the elves show up sometime soon and save me !

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