Friday 29 April 2011

Dia da Mae

Check this out !! Sienna brought this
home for me today as it is Mothers day in Portugal on the 1st May, I love her pictures.. (that is the two of us inside the card by the way !

The poem inside reads:

Como e que tu sabias
Que de todas as maes do mundo
Era mesmo esta que eu queria ?

Quem deu a papa a Sienna
Quem foi que limpou o rabinho?
Quem chorou lagrimas de amor?
Foi a Mae, com todo o carinho!

Translated (roughly)that reads something like....

 Father, how did you know
That of all the mothers of the world
This was really what I wanted

Who gave the pope a sienna
Who was it that cleared the tail
Who cried tears of love
It was the mother, with love

aaaahhh ! x I love it. Thanks Sienna... x

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