Monday 9 May 2011

New Kitchens and squished snakes....

Did the usual school run with Sienna this morning, the bus picks her up at the top of the hill at around 8am, it is a lovely sunny morning.... there was a 2 and a half foot snake in the middle of the road and the kids were having great fun watching in anticipation to see if any passing cars ran it over.... the school bus arrived and made a right mess of it ... :o{ ewww
I found a large adder in the compost heap over the weekend too - needless to say I promptly legged it ! so a bit of a snake theme right now ..
The tree's are full of young plums and peaches and the olive trees are heavy with tiny new olives, they seem to look far more loaded than they did last year.
We are still plodding away with our renovation, feeling frustrated at times with how long each job takes... but still it is coming along. I am looking forward to an old friends arrival on Wednesday as I have not seen him in a long time now... task for today is to get a door on the bedroom he will be sleeping in !
Anyhow have posted some pictures of our kitchen above ... not quite completed but nearly there, it was made by George Robinson Kitchens in Cornwall..... :O)  

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