Saturday 28 May 2011

Bee hives and bannana muffins...

I must be getting old..... 10 years ago I would have been off shoe shopping for some new heels to wear out...... today I am washing a donkey, going for a walk in the valley and baking..... what happened ?

had a lovely walk down the lane alongside our house with Lee and Sienna this afternoon... on the hunt for bee hives - just out of curiosity really. We have been for numerous walks down there but never seen them. Today we finally found them, following the sweet smell, growing number of bee's round the foxgloves and my friends directions...  I crept up to the back of the hives to get a better look whilst Lee and Sienna waited at the bottom.... I got as close as I dared to and the smell was incredible.. there are around 40 hives down there.... those little guys are amazing.

Then Lee got stung on his forehead and ran off shouting his head off - (very manly). He is not very good with buzzy stingy things anyway.... I fear after this afternoon he will be even less keen on me getting some hives of my own....hopefully he'll get over it.

On the way back up Lee shhhhhh'd me and pointed at a snake sat on the bank next to us which was bloody huge. So then it was my turn to be uncool .... I inhaled suddenly - making a wimpy, girly ,Olive Oil type gasp and it promptly shot off... it was a fat old lump, about 5 ft long with a pale yellow belly... gutted I didnt get a shot of it.

So back home to making bananna muffins with Sienna (yum), a glass of Zubrowka vodka with ice cold apple juice and doing everything possible to avoid plasterboarding the lounge ceiling.

Could be worse I reckon...

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