Tuesday 5 October 2010


Well, an interesting weekend with a mixed bag of carnage... !!! we went over to Ad and Lisa's on Saturday to celebrate her Dads 60th birthday along with Mickaella's (I think it was her 21st)....

So we all got together a 70's buffet and had a lovely day.... we went on to celebrate at Paulinho's in Mortagua having tucked all the kids away in bed...

Had a very funny evening and stayed out way past my curfew.... all getting rather drunk and doing our best to mix with the local lads and speak Portuguese... ! - anyhow we stopped out overnight, then woke up to rain which was odd after so long without it and arrived home at 2pm the following day to total carnage... it looked like some kind of mini tornado had been through..... chairs had blown off the roof.... shutters ripped off their hinges, tables on their sides.... half of the roof on Ades balcony had blown off and was scattered across the lane and terrace.... then the icing on the cake.... one of the toilet windows had blown in, coming totally off its hinges and smashed the toilet cistern off on its way down to the floor... the water had spread out of the en suite and across the bedroom floor to the doorway by the time we arrived back.... just what you need when you have a hangover huh ?! I would like to lie and say I was cool calm and collected...... but I totally lost the plot and got hysterical for a few minutes..... then Lee cut the water supply off and the smashed cistern fell down and sliced through his thumb.... oh happy days. Anyhow it looked much better once we had cleaned it all up -ooh then we noticed that our peach tree had blown over and was no longer.... :o( The following day it was 27 degrees and beautiful. Ho hum !!

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