Monday 18 October 2010

Just stuff really.....

Things are feeling a bit more settled here the last few weeks, the kids are settling into the routine of School again and are now happy to go. Tashan has been offered an extra session of one to one Portuguese tuition (much appreciated and needed) which is great as it saved me begging !and Sienna is picking up the language well with enthusiasm so far... she has lots of basics and can count one - 10 etc. She has a long day - she gets the bus (there is a lovely lady chaperone) at 8:10 and returns home at 4:10... not quite as long as Tashan's day of course. I am really proud of them as I know it is tough being the only English speaking child in their Schools.... but they are both doing well.
Our renovation is making progress too... the roof is now back on and complete and looks gorgeous. I am so pleased with it. We now have the plans for our new kitchen too which is being made by George Robinson Kitchens in Cornwall.... I am so excited about having a new lovely kitchen ... I cannot wait.
My hands are covered in blisters and hurt like crazy after lots of manual work over at the house... but I amfeeling really motivated and enjoying it at the moment. Lee and I have been out in the garden all day today erecting a fence to keep (we hope) the goats and chickens in and some local stray dogs out. Yesterday a pack of 6/7 stray dogs ran into our garden and tried to attack our goats. Thankfully our neighbours spotted them and zoomed down the hill to throw rocks and scare them off. The dogs are a bit of a pain putting it mildly. Poor goats.... I am really hoping that either one or both of them may be pregnant ..I might just be wishful thinking, but they are looking a little chunky. Fingers crossed.
Oh and the best news ever ? My Sister and niece Laila are flying to Lisbon from Sydney next month to stay with us for 6 weeks..... I have not seen her for over a year now and miss her so much it hurts.... It has given me a real burst of energy.... SO EXCITED ... :)

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