Saturday 17 July 2010

The back of the Burstner..... !

Well this was the Boys leaving us on Wednesday to return the Burstner back to the UK and sell it.... they got the ferry from Santander (7 hour drive from our place) to Plymouth. So me and Sienna are home alone in Portugal. At the moment it is fine - I was not sure how I would feel without Lee here as I am a bit stranded (I don't drive), so far it has been relaxing.. it is good spending one on one time with Sienna who is a bit of a Daddy's girl ! Hopefully the boys will be back before long.
A moment after this photograph was taken Sienna made a new friend.. Maria, Fernando's Granddaughter. We have spent hours at the park with her the past two days and she has been great company for Sienna - even though she is 11 ! She is a great kid, full of confidence and very practical. She is fluent in both French and Portuguese and has put me to shame ! I have been trying very hard to communicate with her and she has been very patient with me ! That is Maria above with Sienna ... she is holding her kitten that was born that morning.... or "baby cat" as she calls it ! Cute. We popped into the Cafe in Travanca Do Mondego for drinks and ice cream after leaving the park. i had a well earned beer after having been run ragged by these two playing 'it' !

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