Saturday 17 July 2010

THS PROM 2010.

Ok so here are a couple of my favourite photo's from the Tiverton High School Prom 2010..... What a gorgeous year group...!!!!! So good to see these guys dressed up and looking / behaving like young adults.... ! At times in the past I could have happily throttled a select few Rodney's (and Rodnetta's) mind you....
These guys were at the end of year 8 when I arrived at THS and are now waiting for their exam results... ! I wish all of them lots of luck, laughter and good fortune for the future. x
A trio of characters here...... ! x
Mr Lovett the Headmaster.... a real gent with a fab sense of humour....
I love this picture ! these guys are in the zone !
So glad I made it there to see them all.... the night seemed to fly past and i regretted that I had not had a catch up with so many people..... Perhaps I should have had a couple less glasses of vinho..... hmmm . Probably I suspect. But then that's just me I guess..... with my two left feet and all. Oh dear... ;O)

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