Tuesday 27 July 2010


I have been busy melting today.. and have jumped into two different pools with my clothes on - the first whilst fully clothed, much to Sienna's amusement!. It was 39 degrees earlier and is currently 35. Pretty warm for 9pm.... I guess it will take a bit of getting used to. I spoke with Lee earlier who told me it was raining in Bampton. I closed my eyes and thought how good cool raindrops would feel... I think I would have been so excited I could have done a rain dance in the garden in my pants ! and that would have been a shocking sight for the locals!! Poor Armandio already thinks I have lost the plot having seen me talking to my computer the other night -(Skype), - he almost drove his tractor into the wall..! Still, I never imagined I would wish for rain !!
Well Lee and Tashan have been gone 2 weeks tomorrow - they return to Spain with a trailer of our gear on Thursday and I cannot wait to see them.. and Heinz baked beans...and oxo cubes...
I have had a good chill out with Sienna .. making things, painting, park, pools, etc but I look forward to us all being back together again. I have been very lucky in having such fantastic neighbours to share lunch / dinner with - go shopping with etc as with no driving licence I would have been a bit stuck...
I had an email from our Architect, this morning to say that he has finished the drawings of our house... I am really looking forward to seeing them, impatient as ever to get started with the rebuild..
The pup above is one of three who are living in a drain up the road from us. Nobody seems to own his Mother. Maria tells me there were 10 pups to begin with but the others have died. Maria coaxed this little guy out of the drain with chocolate biscuits and brought him down to our house where he had a well needed bath and Spag Bol for dinner.... I almost caved in as he is so affectionate and sweet but resisted the temptation (and begging from Maria) and took him home. There are so many dogs and cats here - sometimes at night it is like being near Battersea dogs home as the howls travel from village to village.. then the peacock kicks off and I wish I had an air rifle...!
I spotted the butterfly this morning on the gorgeous tree over our entrance... so beautiful... I really do love butterflies - they remind me of happy times as a child.
I am reliably informed that it is set to get hotter the next few days with the temperature peaking on Sunday.... so I plan to check out a new beach... maybe Mira or back to Tocha. I want to make sure I am near cold water either way... what a bummer my legs are looking like pepperoni pizza thanks to my many mosquito friends....
hey ho.... ;O)

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