Saturday 24 July 2010


Sienna and I spent the day with Caroline and Evie on Thursday and Caroline showed us around parts of the old City..... Previously every trip I have made to Coimbra has been for Bowling/Mondego Retail
Park/Forum etc.... and I now really regret not exploring before..... I cannot wait to show Lee and Tashan around when they come home.... ! It is stunning. I loved the cobbled streets and mix of elegant / shabby chic townhouses , restaraunts and shops...

The archway above is the old entrance to the City... We had a meal in a rustic little place tucked away down an alley that I will struggle to ever find again... ! I look forward to checking out the Italian place on the riverside which Ade and Caroline have recomended... That is Evie above helping me finish off my expresso !
Sienna did her young Mum impression pushing Evie along whilst wearing a tiara she persuaded me to buy her.... I cant wait to go back....

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