Friday 16 July 2010

UK Visit....

Vicky if you are reading...... these gravestone pictures are for you really as I know you would have had a good giggle with Sophie and I...... I had a relaxing week back in Bampton at Sophie and Marlons and really loved spending quality time with them - I talked the ears off of poor Soph who got the very occasional word in - fantastic food and great company. I missed Lee but really loved having space away from the kids - It has been an intense year for us all with very little space away from each other , so it was great to have time to think and collect my thoughts and just be on my own at times ... loved it. This is an odd collection of photo's - but here go's - The platform was at the station in Coimbra - Tashan and I were surprised to see that instead of a bridge you crossed straight over the track ! The two graveyard pics were taken at my Grandparents grave in Bampton which I went to clean the day before I returned home to Portugal... Sophie came up with me - I love this one of her digging over the grave with Ralph (the dog ) eagerly looking on... hoping for a bone perhaps ?! Christ ! what did we look like ! (we were trying to plant some flowers). Anyhow, we got there eventually and it felt good to be there.

This is Tashan with baby Erin at lunch at the Hartnol. She is such a cutie.. The Hartnol holds lots of memories for me as I went there with my Dad so often as a child before he passed away.- I also made a complete cock of myself there a few years ago getting my high heel stuck in a grate whilst at a work function - in front of a bunch of new colleagues. I eventually had to unstrap my shoe and yank it out...!. Brilliant. I do so love looking like a total Rodney.... Thankfully the place has now been renovated beautifully so I am now safe - the grate is gone.
Well it was great to come home and to realise that Portugal now feels like and is home to me. AND It is so great being all loved up with your bloke again when you have missed each other too..... I must go away more often !!!!! I just need a small capsule of loved ones here to make my life totally perfect and complete. (You know who you are) and I love you. For now however I am very aware of how lucky I am to have what I have in my life.

The reason for my visit - Tiverton High School Prom ... and pictures will follow......

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