Saturday 26 June 2010

a mole....a prom and a Mother..... .

Look at this.... ! One of our chickens saw the earth move and dragged this little fella out of the ground !!!!! I cannot believe how small moles are - I have never seen one before. Weird! The size of the hills they make I thought they would be about 6 times the size of this one ... I read recently that these little chaps travel approx 2.5 miles per day underground... incredible. Anyhow, we rescued him and let him go again. Today Lee and I have planted some trees along our border - 2 pomegranates, a sharon fruit and a cherry tree, along with some prickly pears... Tashan came out and took a photo of us.

Tashan and I are off to the UK tomorrow - he is off to meet up with his friends and his Dad, I am going to hang out with friends and go to the Tiverton High School Prom on the 2nd.... I'm so excited to see everyone, I cannot wait ! I spent hours on Skype with my Sister Vicky yesterday morning... she managed to track down our Mum who now lives in Dorset and called her on a mobile number she got from a contact I had in my filofax. That feels odd as we have not spoken for years now... so I now have a number for her but I'm not quite sure what I will do with it.

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