Sunday 6 June 2010

Espinheira, Penacova.

We went to Espinheira Market this morning for lunch and a wander. The market is huge and is held on the first Sunday of every month... since being introduced to it by our new neighbours it has become a bit of a tradition for us. For lunch, there is a hill with stall upon stall of these BBQ chickens... about 40 on each one. The smell is just divine, it hits you as soon as you get out of the car.. it is easy to find by the smell and the cloud of smoke rising.....

You sit under tarpaulins on benches made out of planks of wood resting on trestles (rustic) ! and eat chicken served with salad, fresh bread and chips, with a beer or coca cola - in the traditional bottles... YUM. The chicken is flicked with a large brush loaded with 'piri piri' potion as it rotates which I am told is a mixture of piri piri, salt, pepper, white wine... and stuff. Great stuff. Good to get there early as it gets packed. They also sell the chicken to take away. Full lunch for the four of us with six drinks costs 22 euro's.

I picked up some plants today too... a strawberry tree plant, two pomegranate trees, a cherry tree and a sharon fruit tree. 25 euros the lot. Bargain. Just wish I could have carried more..... !

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