Thursday 10 June 2010

The Road.

I watched 'The Road' (based on Cormac McCarthy's novel) last night on DVD, It feels like I have waited forever to see it after reading it last year. Wow. It follows a Father and Son's journey across post apocalyptic America. It is so heartbreaking to watch - as it was to read, very moving and I cried my eyes out towards the end. Great book, great DVD.

My Sister Vicky has recommended 'Precious' to me next.. so I will be looking on Amazon for that later !!

It is 20 degrees and pouring with rain today - as it did yesterday which feels odd now after all the sunshine. Hopefully it will pass soon. On the plus side it has given me a two day break from watering the vegetable patch and allowed me to have a huge bonfire without causing a forest fire.. !

Right - off to Santa Comba Dao for the food shopping now... then home to a sledgehammer and a wheelbarrow...... we are in the middle of smashing out the old wine press in the Adega. Good times.

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