Thursday 3 June 2010

Failed Goddess status.....(again)

I am waking up very slowly today.... two coffee's have helped... We had a late night and an early morning - not my favorite combination ! Sienna and I had a really lovely day with Michaella, Luca and Elsie yesterday, playing in the paddling pool and building dens in the sunshine.. and had a lovely lunch.. we then met up with Nina, Jason and Connor (15 yesterday !) and went into the Forum in Coimbra for dinner and bowling... Great fun ! The food hall at Forum is fab and I was relieved not to cook last night as it was too hot ! Lee, Tashan and I are totally crap at bowling... Sienna came 2nd to Jason ! (ok she had the barriers up). She absolutely loved it and did a little victory dance after each shot... or should I say roll.... helped by Tashan. The bowling alley is small but great and really cheap ! 24 euros for 7 of us ! Brilliant.....
This morning I have had a good lesson in failing totally as a domestic goddess it is now 13:30 and I have just had a run of 6 visitors this morning...... knackered... looking like I have been dragged through a bush backwards... both kids lounging around in their pants and a house that looks like the burglars have been round OH THE SHAME....... why does nobody visit me in my organised mode ???? AaRgHHH.
Right - time for lunch and getting a grip before dinner with friends tonight.... lesson learnt. (ish).

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