Thursday 17 June 2010

Buying our ?

Well it is looking hopeful that we will be buying our house today .... above is a picture of the back of it , taken in March. Yesterday our 'seller' Jen flew out with her daughter and we met them for the first time. They are both lovely. Fingers crossed it will all go smoothly. I am told it usually doesn't !! Out appointment is at 4pm.
It will be such a relief if it all gets sorted as we will all be able to move on and get on with things !

We are going to be house sitting for our lovely neighbours for six months, starting in September. I am really looking forward to it, (although we will miss them whilst they are away :o( )It will give us a chance to get the house sorted out and have a civilised space to live in whilst we work on it. Anyhow, lets see how we get on this afternoon.

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