Thursday 3 June 2010


My little man Tashan.. 12 years old and a fantastic 'Kevin and Perry' impressionist !! (Apparently because he is a teenager). Tashan LOVES food and music and is a funny and affectionate Son. I so wish he would do his 'Carlton' (Fresh Prince of Bel Air) moves in front of people...... hilarious !!! Just like his Auntie Vicky.
We are working through the usual hormone stuff at the moment and tend to bicker a fair bit... but hey ho... that should pass in about six years or so with a bit of luck.
Tashan started his new School in Portugal recently and is in week 5. He is beginning to pick up some Portuguese but is understandably finding it really frustrating not being able to communicate with his new mates.... when he gets really stuck he uses Google Translate on a laptop ! We have been using the Michel Thomas method Portuguese course on our ipod's for the last few months. Tashan used the course a lot whilst we were travelling and this has really helped.
The School feel he is a fast learner and are pleased with him. Luckily he is a bright boy, but obviously this is a huge transition for him... The kids at his new School have really welcomed him and he has been happy to go every day... enjoying the attention of being the new English kid on the block !! His English teacher tells me the girls love him too !!
School will finish for the Summer soon - in the middle of June as it gets too hot here, they return to School at the start of September so he will have a long Summer Holiday. This is balanced out by a long School day; starting at 8:45 and ending at 5:05.... with plenty of 'ping pong' breaks in between.. !!

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