Tuesday 8 June 2010

Meet Nolly....

This is Nolly, who was preloved by our friends Luca and Elsie here in Portugal.... a right character. He wrapped both paws round my leg this morning and gave my leg a bit of a chew.. at which point I realised he wanted his breakfast ... I must to show him a Felix advert on You Tube so he can see how other cats go about letting humans know they are feeling a bit 'peckish'. Still it worked. I was a bit put out as I had just rescued him from a dog on the front terrace who was barking ferociously at him .... little git.

He is a bit of a teenager really, stays out most nights, then comes home in the morning looking like a bag of crap with a scratched nose.... starving hungry. He stuffs his face then go's to bed for most of the day..... hmmm those were the days !!!

Nolly was acquired for his mouse hunting skills as when we arrived here the house was full of them , having been empty for months... I am TOTALLY terrified of mice and could not cope with that at all... he is a little star.... especially now he understands that I don't like him to bring them in the house to show me how clever he is. Thanks to this little guy our house is now mouse free.

Thanks Luca and Elsie. x

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