Friday 11 June 2010

Bucaco Forest, Luso.

Some more photographs from our trip to the forest.. Above : one of several gateways.The grand staircase below with waterfall flowing through it took my breath away. The walls either side are adorned with mosaic and there are benches to sit on at each level. The waterfall feeds a pond beneath it where you find swans floating by ..... you get the picture !

The entire forest is enclosed within high stone walls and planted with exotic trees and palms. It smells heavenly. A spiritual and mystical place. Luso itself is a pretty town. The Termas de Luso Spa offers massage / therapies.. I missed out as it only opens from May to October !
The kids loved the Fonte de Sao Joao spring, adjacent to the spa. There is a glass skylight which enables you to see the crystal clear water flowing over pebbles. The water is considered to be a cure for a wide range of ailments.. (i.e anything you can think of) and you can fill your bottles for free. I cannot wait to go back...... and perhaps stay in the hotel..... I wouldn't say no to a massage either come to think of it.....

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