Tuesday 1 June 2010



My gorgeous little lady with one of our new baby chicks. She is like a mother hen to them and likes to help take care of them. We have six chicks which we bought at the fortnightly Thursday market in Mortagua nearby.

Today she told me "I love you totally full percent Mummy" and landed a juicy kiss on my cheek. I think full percent of love is quite a bit.......!?

those 'make me melt' moments immediately erase the hours she talks non stop and makes me feel like nailing my eyelids to my knees..... she is so lovely.


  1. Sienna looks absolutely stunning. Great idea for the blog. Well done to you all. Cannot be easy but as one who up and left for Ghana, i cannot say anything other than enjoy. will keep in touch. Lots of love xx Uzo

  2. Thanks Uzo...... Love you always. xxxx
