Sunday 13 June 2010

Things that go bump in the night....

Every now and then there is a bump.. or loud crash in the night and I know Sienna has fallen out of bed.... I go in and pick her up ( she always continues to sleep) and pop her back into bed. Well she has been a bit of a disaster area these past two weeks..

First she walked sideways off a ledge into a river whilst at Roberts birthday party and went completely under in her best frock. Thankfully she was laughing about it when Marcus swiftly pulled her up for air.

Next she walked into a lamp post in Mortagua and somehow flew sideways into the hedgerow with her skirt up. After pulling down he skirt to hide her knickers from two passing (bemused) ladies.. she giggled again.

Well today she was on form. This morning I heard bloodcurdling screams and ran down to find she had fallen face down in the mud with her mouth open. (Unfortunate if you are not a fan of the stuff) I have advised her to close her mouth next time to avoid this. Not 20 minutes later there were more blood curdling screams and she has now learnt that when we said that prickly pear plants are not to be picked up or touched as they HURT, we really meant it.
This afternoon she bit her tongue on the trampoline. Then tonight I heard a crash when she fell out of bed. Unfortunately I didnt help matters when I went in to recover her from the floor and cracked her on the head with the door as I opened it to go in.

Blimey... whatever happened to bad luck coming in 3's ?
Better luck tomorrow Bubba ! x

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