Saturday 12 June 2010

Snakes, lizards, butterflys and lemon biscuits.

Yesterday we saw a ladder snake like the one on the right slide past us in the garden... it didnt hang about long and soon disappeared.... with me legging it in the opposite direction, squealing like Olive Oil. (Not the bottled stuff). I felt a bit vulnerable in my flip flops... It was a chunkey monkey - Lee reckoned it was about 4ft long. Eeek. Must get the grass cut. Then today, Nolly - caught this little lizard fella and Lee rescued him. Luckily he was in one piece and whilst he was busy playing dead Sienna was well chuffed to hold him. Had a relaxing day today really, pottered about and pondered in the garden. I took a walk along the track at the bottom of the garden and was surprised to see lavender growing in the forest alongside the track. It had a fantastic orange butterfly on it - they are everywhere at the moment, beautiful - remind me of being little when I would spend hours with my buddies chasing them with nets.
I got a whack on the head at one point today from our cat Nolly who was sitting above my head in an olive tree.... He really has been a mad thing this week. Nutcase.
Oh and Tashan made lemon biscuits this afternoon..... I came in to find that he had decided to use (oxo cube sized ) chunks of lemon peel instead of grated rind... (quicker innit ?) so I had a bit of a whinge etc.... anyhow somehow his tray of biscuits came out of the oven n disguise as a.... lemon cake. That boy of mine really does have issues with following instructions... ! Anyhow the cake was amazing.. shame he cant remember where online he found the recipe because it was miles better than my cakes ! It has given me some ideas for what to do with surplus lemons from our tree.... In March I picked about 40 from the tree here and made loads of homemade lemonade. I wonder if I could grow a lime tree.... haven't seen any of those here. I really do love lime. :o)

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